Strong as One: Virtual Collaboration

Strong as One: Virtual Collaboration


By the end of the two-hour session, the learners will be able to utilize the power of collaboration through:

  1. Practicing the principles to connect, engage, and empower their team members
  2. Harnessing best practices that will help them increase team accountability and engagement
  3. Creating focus and clarity towards the most important goals
Program Outline
  1. Introduction
  2. What virtual collaboration looks like: Stranded Activity
  3. Benefits to virtual workforces
  4. Challenges and pain points
  5. Principles to Effective Virtual Teams
  6. Assembling the Team
  7. Bring CLARITY
  8. Communication Charter
  9. Deliver with Technology
  10. Execute a Rhythm and Schedules
  11. Foster Open Communication
  12. Generate Team Activities
  13. Have Shared Leadership
  14. Summary and Integration

Attendees will get e-copies of workbook, reading list (if any), and certificate.

How to access the webinar: In a separate email, you will receive the link sent via ZOOM/ECCP.

For registration inquiries, please email