Managing Stress

Managing Stress

VENUE: Ascott Makati, Philippines

Course Description

Stress is a hindrance to productivity. It has adverse effects on one's mental disposition, thus affecting behavior. This course aims to equip individuals with the knowledge and tools to effectively battle stress and ensure a healthy mental disposition.
At the end of the one-day session, the learners will be able to discover how they can live healthier and more positive lifestyles.
Learning Outcomes
  • Appreciate how stress affects one's mental, emotional and physical health
  • Enumerate triggers, causes and symptoms of one's stress
  • Assess personal ability to manage stress
  • Practice control techniques to develop a productive attitude, feelings and behavior
  • Create change plans to develop healthier habits
Course Outline
  1. Centering and Introductions
    1. Centering Activity: Happy
  2. Expectations and Objectives Alignment
  3. Stress
    1. Video: The Story of Stress
    2. Discussion: Stressaholics
    3. Activity: True or False?
  4. Stress Assessment
    1. Structured Sharing: Results
    2. Activity: Triggers
    3. Structured Sharing: Patterns of Behavior
  5. Stress Intervention
    1. Emotions
      1. Interactive Lecture: De-stress
      2. Storytelling: Gurus of Wellness
      3. Discussion: Managing the reptilian brain
    2. Attitude
      1. Discussion: The Positive Mindset
      2. The Dipper and The Bucket
      3. The 5 Essential Elements of Well-being
        1. Discussion
        2. Activity
    3. Behavior
      1. Positive Lifestyle
        1. Health and Wellness Sharing
        2. Breathing Drill
        3. Muscle Relaxation Drill
        4. The Positive Impact Test
      2. Positive Actions a) World's Best Practices Activity b) Discussion
  6. De-Stress through Martial Arts, Performing Arts, and LaughterTheater
  7. The Change Plan
    1. Debrief and Review Session
    2. Action Planning
  8. Summary and Integration
    1. Celebrating Change: Change Tattoos
PhP 7,500 - ECCP Members 
PhP 8,000 - Non ECCP Members
(includes coffee breaks, lunches, seminar materials and certificate of attendance)
For confirmations and more information, please contact
Ms. Jasmin Runez of ECCP at (+632) 845.1324 or email