Grit Coaching: Building Resilience for Success

Grit Coaching: Building Resilience for Success


Grit coaching is a transformative approach that empowers individuals to overcome challenges, stay focused on long-term goals, and achieve sustainable success. By participating in this training program, coaches will be well-equipped to guide and inspire others on their journey towards building passion and perseverance.

By the end of the program, the learners will be able to utilize the grit questions to encourage their coachees to find solutions to challenges specifically through:

  • Appreciating the purpose of grit coaching to enhance individual and team performance
  • Practicing the structure and process of the framework
  • Discovering different ways to apply the grit framework at work

Course Outline

  1. Introductions and Centering Activity
  2. Objectives, Norms, Agenda
  3. Grit background and how it can help individuals and teams
  4. Grit Activity and Debriefing Session
  5. GRIT background, Framework, and Case Application
  6. Q&A Session

The registration fee is inclusive of meals. Coffee and light snacks will be served in the afternoon break at the venue.