Europe-PH News


ECCPerks: Where Business Meets Leisure

March 18, 2014
European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines
Europe-PH News

Eclectic, Canny, Congenial, Pragmatic - these are just some of the words that best summarize the chamber's newest endeavour.

In business, there are those that capitalize on products and services that go beyond the sphere of what traditional business offers - an escape from the hectic demands of daily life and allows for the pursuit of individual interests.

ECCPerks provides an avenue where business meets leisure - a unique opportunity for members to promote their upcoming promos, events, and announcements.  This venture serves as a medium not only for the chamber's member-partners to advertise in, but also for the rest of the membership to benefit from by enabling the latter to avail of the promos being offered by the member-partners.

As such, we invite interested members to partner with ECCP and offer the best discounts and promos which the entire membership can take pleasure in!

For inquiries, please contact Ms. Grace Lumyeb via or call (+632) 845.1324.