ECCP at Work


Philippine Competition Commission’s Forum on the Philippine Competition Act – 24 March 2017

March 29, 2017
ECCP Online
ECCP at Work
Views: 573

The Philippine Competition Commission (PCC) in 24 March held a Public Forum on the Philippine Competition Act. Discussions on the role of PCC, benefits of competition, overview of the PCA, among others, were undertaken in this event.  It was highlighted in this Forum that the PCC operates with an ultimate objective to promote fair market competition which in due course will improve consumer welfare through giving consumers more market choices at better prices. It was also reported that this objective is in line with the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2022 and the administration’s 10-point economic agenda.

A dialogue between the presenters and audience also took place through a Q&A and open forum.

The Public Forum was held at the City Garden Grand Hotel and was attended by members of trade associations, business groups, and of the legal profession.